Articles and Chapters

Quill and Quire. Why we need more trans and non-binary books for middle-grade readers. Oct 15, 2018 

CBC. How I Learned to Talk To My Kids About Graphic Anti-Abortion Signs. Sept. 4 2018

 with Adam Davis. Education Canada Magazine. Queer and Trans at School: Where do I fit in? Vol 57, Issue 2 May 29, 2017

CBC. Taking Your LGBT Child to Their First Pride. June 16, 2017.

TVO Current Affairs. Words matter: Respect and the language of gender identity Oct. 26, 2016.

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. “Special Issue: Trans*formational Pedagogies”. “Not Exceptional or Punished” 2.3 (Aug. 2015) p.495-499

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. “Special Issue: Trans*formational Pedagogies”. “Without She or He In Pictures” 2.3 (Aug. 2015) p.500-502

 ‘failing’ Interrogating Reproductive Loss: Feminist Writings on Abortion, Miscarriage and Stillbirth. Edited by Emily R. M. Lind and Angie Deveau, Demeter Press. Nov. 2017.

 “Baby Escape Plan Two” The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care. Edited by Zena Sharman, Arsenal Pulp Press. Vancouver, Canada. 2016

 “Trans in Class: Trans Activism in a Suburban School Board” Trans Activism in Canada: A Reader. Edited by Dan Irving and Rupert Raj, Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Scholars’ Press. 2014. (15 pages) 

 “We're Having a Stanley” Chasing Rainbows. Editors Fiona Green and May Friedman, Toronto: Demeter Press 2013. 

 “The Manly Art of Pregnancy” Gender Outlaws: The Next GenerationEditors S. Bear Bergman and Kate Bornstein, San Francisco: Seal Press 2010 (p. 188-194).



Transphobia: deal with it, and be a gender transcender

by j wallace skelton, illustrated by Nick Johnson

FINALIST - Red Maple Award for Non-fiction

Who do you think you are? Part of identity is how people experience their gender. Transphobia is intolerance of any part of the range of gender identity. This accessible, illustrated book offers information, quizzes, comics and true-to-life scenarios to help kids better understand gender identity and determine what they can do to identify and counter transphobia in their schools, homes and communities. Considered from the viewpoint of gender challengers, gender enforcers and witnesses, transphobic behavior is identified, examined and put into a context that kids can use to understand and accept themselves and others for whatever gender they are -- even if that's no gender at all!


The Newspaper Pirates

by j wallace skelton, illustrated by Ketch Where

When Anthony Bartholomew hears his dads grumble that Newspaper Pirates must be stealing their paper, he decides to solve the problem himself. Watching carefully, hunting for clues and laying traps, Anthony Bartholomew keeps at it until the mystery is solved and the newspaper secured!


The Last Place You Look

by j wallace skelton, illustrated by Justin Alves

At Passover, Bubbie Rose and Bubbie Ida Flora's tiny apartment overflows with children, grandchildren, and beloved friends. When it's time for the afikoman, they look and look, but no one can find it. Everybody searches, and they find a great many other things, but where has it gone?

A review from Jewish Book Council