Articles and Chapters
Quill and Quire. Why we need more trans and non-binary books for middle-grade readers. Oct 15, 2018
CBC. How I Learned to Talk To My Kids About Graphic Anti-Abortion Signs. Sept. 4 2018
with Adam Davis. Education Canada Magazine. Queer and Trans at School: Where do I fit in? Vol 57, Issue 2 May 29, 2017
CBC. Taking Your LGBT Child to Their First Pride. June 16, 2017.
TVO Current Affairs. Words matter: Respect and the language of gender identity Oct. 26, 2016.
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. “Special Issue: Trans*formational Pedagogies”. “Not Exceptional or Punished” 2.3 (Aug. 2015) p.495-499
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly. “Special Issue: Trans*formational Pedagogies”. “Without She or He In Pictures” 2.3 (Aug. 2015) p.500-502
‘failing’ Interrogating Reproductive Loss: Feminist Writings on Abortion, Miscarriage and Stillbirth. Edited by Emily R. M. Lind and Angie Deveau, Demeter Press. Nov. 2017.
“Baby Escape Plan Two” The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care. Edited by Zena Sharman, Arsenal Pulp Press. Vancouver, Canada. 2016
“Trans in Class: Trans Activism in a Suburban School Board” Trans Activism in Canada: A Reader. Edited by Dan Irving and Rupert Raj, Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Scholars’ Press. 2014. (15 pages)
“We're Having a Stanley” Chasing Rainbows. Editors Fiona Green and May Friedman, Toronto: Demeter Press 2013.
“The Manly Art of Pregnancy” Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation. Editors S. Bear Bergman and Kate Bornstein, San Francisco: Seal Press 2010 (p. 188-194).